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       在嵌入式linux系统中,busybox是最常见的用来构建文件系统的。可是从busybox1.17.0以上之后,对ls命令不做修改是无法显示中文的。就算是内核设置了支持中文的话,在shell下用ls命令也是无法显示中文的,这是因为busybox1.17.0以后版本对中文的支持进行了限制。现在就来讲讲如何修改让busybox1.17.0以上版本支持中文,要想让busybox1.17.0以上支持中文,需要修改两个文件:printable_string.c以及unicode.c 。下面来分析,为什么ls命令无法显示中文。请看printable_string.c未修改过的代码:

const char* FAST_FUNC printable_string(uni_stat_t *stats, const char *str){	static char *saved[4];	static unsigned cur_saved; /* = 0 */	char *dst;	const char *s;	s = str;	while (1) {		unsigned char c = *s;		if (c == '\0') {			/* 99+% of inputs do not need conversion */			if (stats) {				stats->byte_count = (s - str);				stats->unicode_count = (s - str);				stats->unicode_width = (s - str);			}			return str;		}		if (c < ' ')			break;		if (c >= 0x7f)			break;		s++;	}#if ENABLE_UNICODE_SUPPORT	dst = unicode_conv_to_printable(stats, str);#else	{		char *d = dst = xstrdup(str);		while (1) {			unsigned char c = *d;			if (c == '\0')				break;		        if (c < ' ' || c >= 0x7f)			       *d = '?';			d++;		}		if (stats) {			stats->byte_count = (d - dst);			stats->unicode_count = (d - dst);			stats->unicode_width = (d - dst);		}	}#endif	free(saved[cur_saved]);	saved[cur_saved] = dst;	cur_saved = (cur_saved + 1) & (ARRAY_SIZE(saved)-1);	return dst;}

const char* FAST_FUNC printable_string(uni_stat_t *stats, const char *str){	static char *saved[4];	static unsigned cur_saved; /* = 0 */	char *dst;	const char *s;	s = str;	while (1) {		unsigned char c = *s;		if (c == '\0') {			/* 99+% of inputs do not need conversion */			if (stats) {				stats->byte_count = (s - str);				stats->unicode_count = (s - str);				stats->unicode_width = (s - str);			}			return str;		}		if (c < ' ')			break;	/*		if (c >= 0x7f)			break;	*/		s++;	}#if ENABLE_UNICODE_SUPPORT	dst = unicode_conv_to_printable(stats, str);#else	{		char *d = dst = xstrdup(str);		while (1) {			unsigned char c = *d;			if (c == '\0')				break;			if (c < ' ' /*|| c >= 0x7f */)				*d = '?';			d++;		}		if (stats) {			stats->byte_count = (d - dst);			stats->unicode_count = (d - dst);			stats->unicode_width = (d - dst);		}	}#endif	free(saved[cur_saved]);	saved[cur_saved] = dst;	cur_saved = (cur_saved + 1) & (ARRAY_SIZE(saved)-1);	return dst;}
Support Unicode
的话,那么采用ls命令是可以看到中文的,这个我自己已经亲自测试过的。可是还有一种情况:busybox1.17.0在配置的时候选中了:[*] Support Unicode,见下:

在配置里,有Support Unicode选上的: Busybox Settings->General Configuration->   │ │[ ] Enable locale support (system needs locale for this to work)     │ │     │ │[*] Support Unicode                                                  │ │     │ │[*] Support for --long-options                                       │ │

static char* FAST_FUNC unicode_conv_to_printable2(uni_stat_t *stats, const char *src, unsigned width, int flags){	char *dst;	unsigned dst_len;	unsigned uni_count;	unsigned uni_width;	if (unicode_status != UNICODE_ON) {		char *d;		if (flags & UNI_FLAG_PAD) {			d = dst = xmalloc(width + 1);			while ((int)--width >= 0) {				unsigned char c = *src;				if (c == '\0') {					do						*d++ = ' ';					while ((int)--width >= 0);					break;				}				*d++ = (c >= ' ' && c < 0x7f) ? c : '?';				src++;			}			*d = '\0';		} else {			d = dst = xstrndup(src, width);			while (*d) {				unsigned char c = *d;				if (c < ' ' || c >= 0x7f)					*d = '?';				d++;			}		}		if (stats) {			stats->byte_count = (d - dst);			stats->unicode_count = (d - dst);			stats->unicode_width = (d - dst);		}		return dst;	}	dst = NULL;	uni_count = uni_width = 0;	dst_len = 0;	while (1) {		int w;		wchar_t wc;#if ENABLE_UNICODE_USING_LOCALE		{			mbstate_t mbst = { 0 };			ssize_t rc = mbsrtowcs(&wc, &src, 1, &mbst);			/* If invalid sequence is seen: -1 is returned,			 * src points to the invalid sequence, errno = EILSEQ.			 * Else number of wchars (excluding terminating L'\0')			 * written to dest is returned.			 * If len (here: 1) non-L'\0' wchars stored at dest,			 * src points to the next char to be converted.			 * If string is completely converted: src = NULL.			 */			if (rc == 0) /* end-of-string */				break;			if (rc < 0) { /* error */				src++;				goto subst;			}			if (!iswprint(wc))				goto subst;		}#else		src = mbstowc_internal(&wc, src);		/* src is advanced to next mb char		 * wc == ERROR_WCHAR: invalid sequence is seen		 * else: wc is set		 */		if (wc == ERROR_WCHAR) /* error */			goto subst;		if (wc == 0) /* end-of-string */			break;#endif		if (CONFIG_LAST_SUPPORTED_WCHAR && wc > CONFIG_LAST_SUPPORTED_WCHAR)			goto subst;		w = wcwidth(wc);		if ((ENABLE_UNICODE_COMBINING_WCHARS && w < 0) /* non-printable wchar */		 || (!ENABLE_UNICODE_COMBINING_WCHARS && w <= 0)		 || (!ENABLE_UNICODE_WIDE_WCHARS && w > 1)		) { subst:			wc = CONFIG_SUBST_WCHAR;			w = 1;		}		width -= w;		/* Note: if width == 0, we still may add more chars,		 * they may be zero-width or combining ones */		if ((int)width < 0) {			/* can't add this wc, string would become longer than width */			width += w;			break;		}		uni_count++;		uni_width += w;		dst = xrealloc(dst, dst_len + MB_CUR_MAX);#if ENABLE_UNICODE_USING_LOCALE		{			mbstate_t mbst = { 0 };			dst_len += wcrtomb(&dst[dst_len], wc, &mbst);		}#else		dst_len += wcrtomb_internal(&dst[dst_len], wc);#endif	}	/* Pad to remaining width */	if (flags & UNI_FLAG_PAD) {		dst = xrealloc(dst, dst_len + width + 1);		uni_count += width;		uni_width += width;		while ((int)--width >= 0) {			dst[dst_len++] = ' ';		}	}	dst[dst_len] = '\0';	if (stats) {		stats->byte_count = dst_len;		stats->unicode_count = uni_count;		stats->unicode_width = uni_width;	}	return dst;}

static char* FAST_FUNC unicode_conv_to_printable2(uni_stat_t *stats, const char *src, unsigned width, int flags){	char *dst;	unsigned dst_len;	unsigned uni_count;	unsigned uni_width;	if (unicode_status != UNICODE_ON) {		char *d;		if (flags & UNI_FLAG_PAD) {			d = dst = xmalloc(width + 1);			while ((int)--width >= 0) {				unsigned char c = *src;				if (c == '\0') {					do						*d++ = ' ';					while ((int)--width >= 0);					break;				}				*d++ = (c >= ' '/* && c < 0x7f */) ? c : '?';				src++;			}			*d = '\0';		} else {			d = dst = xstrndup(src, width);			while (*d) {				unsigned char c = *d;				if (c < ' '/* || c >= 0x7f */)					*d = '?';				d++;			}		}		if (stats) {			stats->byte_count = (d - dst);			stats->unicode_count = (d - dst);			stats->unicode_width = (d - dst);		}		return dst;	}	dst = NULL;	uni_count = uni_width = 0;	dst_len = 0;	while (1) {		int w;		wchar_t wc;#if ENABLE_UNICODE_USING_LOCALE		{			mbstate_t mbst = { 0 };			ssize_t rc = mbsrtowcs(&wc, &src, 1, &mbst);			/* If invalid sequence is seen: -1 is returned,			 * src points to the invalid sequence, errno = EILSEQ.			 * Else number of wchars (excluding terminating L'\0')			 * written to dest is returned.			 * If len (here: 1) non-L'\0' wchars stored at dest,			 * src points to the next char to be converted.			 * If string is completely converted: src = NULL.			 */			if (rc == 0) /* end-of-string */				break;			if (rc < 0) { /* error */				src++;				goto subst;			}			if (!iswprint(wc))				goto subst;		}#else		src = mbstowc_internal(&wc, src);		/* src is advanced to next mb char		 * wc == ERROR_WCHAR: invalid sequence is seen		 * else: wc is set		 */		if (wc == ERROR_WCHAR) /* error */			goto subst;		if (wc == 0) /* end-of-string */			break;#endif		if (CONFIG_LAST_SUPPORTED_WCHAR && wc > CONFIG_LAST_SUPPORTED_WCHAR)			goto subst;		w = wcwidth(wc);		if ((ENABLE_UNICODE_COMBINING_WCHARS && w < 0) /* non-printable wchar */		 || (!ENABLE_UNICODE_COMBINING_WCHARS && w <= 0)		 || (!ENABLE_UNICODE_WIDE_WCHARS && w > 1)		) { subst:			wc = CONFIG_SUBST_WCHAR;			w = 1;		}		width -= w;		/* Note: if width == 0, we still may add more chars,		 * they may be zero-width or combining ones */		if ((int)width < 0) {			/* can't add this wc, string would become longer than width */			width += w;			break;		}		uni_count++;		uni_width += w;		dst = xrealloc(dst, dst_len + MB_CUR_MAX);#if ENABLE_UNICODE_USING_LOCALE		{			mbstate_t mbst = { 0 };			dst_len += wcrtomb(&dst[dst_len], wc, &mbst);		}#else		dst_len += wcrtomb_internal(&dst[dst_len], wc);#endif	}	/* Pad to remaining width */	if (flags & UNI_FLAG_PAD) {		dst = xrealloc(dst, dst_len + width + 1);		uni_count += width;		uni_width += width;		while ((int)--width >= 0) {			dst[dst_len++] = ' ';		}	}	dst[dst_len] = '\0';	if (stats) {		stats->byte_count = dst_len;		stats->unicode_count = uni_count;		stats->unicode_width = uni_width;	}	return dst;}


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